Are you self-conscious about crooked teeth or an uneven smile? Don’t like the idea of having to wear braces for the next few years?
Talk to Bellevue dentist Dr. Monica Yu about some of the modern advances in the field of orthodontics and procedures that can restore that beautiful smile in as little as six months!
Dr. Yu offers several alternatives to traditional braces, including Invisalign, a revolutionary orthodontic system that offers a level of convenience and comfort that patients cannot achieve with metal wire dental braces.
If you are looking for a short-term orthodontic solution, consult our Bellevue dentist about Six Month Smiles®.
Dr. Yu offers this specialized treatment option for adults looking for an effective teeth straightening procedure without the hassle of traditional braces.
Most of these cases are performed entirely in-house and involve placing clear brackets with white wires. These braces are far less noticeable than wire braces and can re-align your teeth within six months!
Talk to our staff at Overlake Dental about Invisalign and Six Month Smiles® by calling us at 425-336-3040 today!